Parents have the right to participate, understand, and engage in their child’s/children's education regardless of what language they speak. For this reason, the Department of Interpreter & Translation Services' mission is to ensure that our limited English proficient families have the equal opportunity to communicate purposefully with school staff regarding all areas of their child’s education by prioritizing language access in the form of interpretation (spoken) and translation (written) services at no cost to them.
For additional information, please refer to the District-Wide Interpreter and Translation Services Protocol.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Parents and Legal Guardians:
To obtain language access services, please contact the main office of your child’s/children’s school. If your preferred language of communication is other than English, the district and/or school must provide you information deemed as essential in the language you specify. In addition, please review the DOJ Factsheet that clarifies your language access rights.
SPS Employees:
To request an in-person or virtual interpreter, please refer to the Interpreter User Guide. To request written translation of a document, please refer to the Written Translation User Guide. Each user guide provides detailed instructions on how to request services via the MySPS Forms online request platform.
SPS employees can click on the links below to acquire services:
Submit Interpreter Request
Submit Written Translation Request
Link to Telephonic Interpreter Services
Contact Us
District-Wide Office of Interpreter & Translation Services
Email: [email protected]
1550 Main Street
Springfield, MA 01103